Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Introducing TITT Style

We interrupt Mr. Sullivan's protracted sulk to bring you this bulletin...

TITT (Throwing In The Towel) style is an updated American look, which should make Tony V happy. Paul Stuart suit, BB shirt, Sam Hober tie, AE Park Aves.

The suit is lightly padded in the shoulder and darted, but it fits me as well as anything I own and it is an ideal weight for just about anything indoors.

The highlight of the day was handing in my resignation. The time has come to leave Space Camp - for good.

It's been a hell of a good run, overall. But I just can't handle the late hours anymore. Selah.


Tony Ventresca said...

Good jacket. It gives your shoulders more definition and structure, which is appropriate since you (like most of us) aren't built like a Greek statue, but it doesn't fit like a sheath. In short, it's an American jacket, designed for Americans, and worn by Americans.

I'm happy to learn you've quit the Space Camp. I think with your writing skills and sense of humor you should be doing something satisfying. You've given enough back to society; now it's time for you to get the good life that you've earned. No compromises, Patrick, no comfortable choices.

Also, get back on the book. I've said before that I think you've already got most of it written, in one form or another, but what's needed is to start putting the pieces together (and adding more movie reviews).

Anonymous said...

Get a decent watch and you're ready for the boardroom.


J.P. said...

What do you plan to do now? Get a job with the Hartford Courant?

Giuseppe said...

Welcome back! I knew you culdn't last a week of the old interwebs! Now go write something that gets committed to a lot of sheets of paper.