Monday, November 12, 2007

Read This Blog (part one)

In an effort to join the blogging community - which is a little like showing up for Dorks Anonymous - I will plug various sites I come across, such as this one by my friend Kurt in Portland, Ore.

Kurt is a man of many talents, such as turning himself into a credible Yoda with the aid of a little strategically arranged shampoo.

He also knows more about bad movies than almost anybody alive.

So read his Ziggurat thing already.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo, gentleman of the coiled arts! Thank you for the blog plug (blug?) I have indeed joined the growing list of major nerdlings out here in Etherville, and have found that a blog offers one a safe and sound place to write. Yep, if you need a kickstart to get writing ... have fun with a blog. Who knew?
By the way, Coiled Pleasures is simply an exceptional example of using a blog to hold up all that is "so bad it's great" in le cinema. My professors here at Concordia University have become big fans in recent weeks.

Stumptown, USA