Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Teenage Zombies (aka Redundant!)

Jerry Warren's Teenage Zombies (1959) is a bit of tease in that there are only two teenage zombies and they are only zombies for about 90 seconds of screen time.

And they are not noticeably different as zombies.

See, these kids decide to go water ski-ing out by a deserted island. They never do get to the water ski-ing, however, because it seems like much more fun to explore the deserted island.

Alas, as is often the case with deserted islands, it is in fact inhabited by a mad scientist with a zombie army and an ee-ville plan to take over the world.

This mad scientist is a lady, with an ICBM chest and a consistently bad attitude.

Her main zombie is Ivan, who can follow simple commands. We only get a quick look at the other zombies.

When I say zombie, I mean the mindless, shambling, robotic type of zombie, as created by the better sort of voodoo spell. These are not the reanimated corpses of Romero et. al.

Ivan, the master zombie.

The scientist is tinkering around with a gas that will turn Americans into zombies. She is working for someone from "the East," which I take to mean your Red Chinese, those cunning devils. If you're thinking, "Sounds like the Obama Administration," well, if the shoe fits...

Anyhoo, there's a lot of back and forth on boats and a crooked sheriff in a bad suit who keeps tugging on his lapels.

There's also a very cute girl in high-waisted jeans and if you don't think that can look good guess again.

We're talking zombie gas. Boats. Shambling bug-eyed master zombie. Greasy men in bad suits. Mad scientist who looks like your fourth grade teacher on vacation in Las Vegas ca. 1955. Bad fighting. Deus ex machina in the form of an dezombified gorilla. The U.S. Army. Promise of Presidential citation. No water ski-ing.

Shot in Exciting Blur-O-Vision!

Mildly amusing, especially when the kids look under the bushes for their motorboat. Two coils.

The excitement of Blur-O-Vision

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